Quickly departing Yangon, we head East to the town of Kalaw where we explore golden stupas and a lively market.
We leave Kalaw and trek for three days through the hilly plateau of Shan State enjoying the nutty cuisine. As in other Asian countries it is mainly women working in the fields, tilling the land with scythes and axes and walking for miles, a fine balancing act to market, with baskets of white root vegetables teetering on their heads smoking long aromatic cigars, still years away from a mechanized agriculture, I ask our female guide about the men working and admire her strong response.
“The men in our country are lazy, they sit in tea houses all day and drink whisky!” She breaks off to stop and explain to an old lady spraying her crop with fertiliser that she should wear gloves - chemical companies come in to distribute free samples of fertiliser to poor farmers which gets the crops hooked.
Nun |
The visiting “dragon ladies” are from the
Palaung tribe, heads adorned with bright red cloths. The local legend tells of the dragon ladies' descent from a female dragon who had disguised herself as a woman and married a man.
The old Dragon Lady is delighted with her grandson's toy gift we give |
We visit the local school in Pat To Pa village to give the teacher a few books and pens, it reminds me of a mocked up Victorian school house recreated in a British museum. A gaggle of boys become delirious with excitement as I chase them around the school room hiding like rabbits in the cupboards. The girls stand like porcelain dolls posing for photos and the teacher sinks shyly into the corner. We spend the night at
We explore Myanmar on 12 hour bus journeys doddering along bumpy roads. Each passenger gets a bottle of water, toothbrush, toothpaste and freshening towel and we are treated to the in-house entertainment on flat screen TVs blaring Burmese films. The films follow a standard format of cheesy romantic stories, lingering shots of flowers and couples larking lovingly in garish modern houses, the slapstick humour causes bellows of raucous laughter from the Burmese passengers chuckling under the christmas baubles and kitsch butterflies hanging along the aisle. Scenes are interspersed with a musical interlude with karaoke style sub-titles. We stop to buy noodles for dinner, selected from a lady's head.
Poster for Ann San Suu Kyi's party - National League for Democracy |
Aung San Poster Seller |
We arrive frazzled at awkward hours, 3, 4 am, organised for passengers to start their day, general Burmese waking hours being from 5 am until 9 pm. Dazed we pass the slow morning hours waiting for hotels to open, taking refuge in a street side café we watch Mandalay wake up. Slender Burmese ladies stroll elegantly past with long shiny silk black hair and long shiny silk lungis of green and lavender holding traditional umbrellas. Girls stop by on motorbikes for a takeaway breakfast wearing shiny black and pink pilot hats, faces smudged with lines and circles of tanakah – the charming traditional multi purpose make up which decorates, protects and treats the skin; a natural yellow paste from bark. The cook is a boy of 14 or 15 in a yellow t-shirt of Aung San (the national hero who led Burma to independence from the British and Japanese) and his daughter
Ann San Sui-Kyi - “The Lady” (the nation's heroine). He masterfully conducts the pavement cooking show, swilling flaming hot oil, flipping pancake pastries in a great blackened iron wok. A young boy in a dirty ragged red Manchester United football kit refills our tea urn from a big, old, black kettle and serves us with greasy chick pea pastries, grinning at the curious foreigners. Locals stop for their set breakfast which includes a cigarette in a glass.
Mandalay is an atmospheric proud second city, especially at night with lively street cafes and markets. Many travellers had warned that it was a horrible dirty city but after India I found it clean and quiet! I remind myself to avoid prematurely polluting my judgement on places by other travellers, books, travel fora etc.
Mandalay is surrounded by ancient capitals, golden buddhas, monasteries and temples. We climb the hills of Sagaing and marvel at the hundreds of shimmering golden stupas, the lovely pink nuns who balance layers of cloth on their heads and meet young friendly monks from the Buddhist Academy eager to chat with us. I pass an afternoon in the cultural heartlands discussing philosophy, Theravada Buddhist practice (the ascetic form of Buddhism followed in SE Asia), politics (but monks are not allowed to vote) and life with the monks of Mandalay. It was the monks of Mandalay region who initiated the uprisings in 2008 which were violently suppressed by the regime and the monks are eager to tell me about that difficult time. They are happy to learn that the world is aware of the plight of the Burmese people and delighted to discuss the new film The Lady & Zarganar – the Burmese comedian who was a political prisoner for years and the focus point of my local Amnesty International group's fundraising comedy night for Burma in Hackney, London - he was finally freed last October.
The monkhood in Myanmar seems to provide a fascinating social and moral security system. There are nearly 1 million monks (population around 60 million) and nearly all boys and girls spend a period of novitiate living in a monastery. Amongst this huge monk population are orphans, sick people, elderly and children from large, poor families. The community then provides for nuns and monks through donations. Monks in turn provide moral guidance. Theravada Buddhism is based on the principle that each individual is wholly responsible for his or her own accumulation of merit and sin and subsequent enlightenment. Donations to the monastery therefore bring merit and help the path to nirvana and the end of the tiresome snakes and ladders cycle of life. If one has had a sinful weekend for example this can be counterbalanced with some good karmic actions such as buying then releasing a captive sparrow or baby owl or a fish even from the market – captured and sold for this purpose!
One Mandalay monk, Zanaka, who radiates a special calm, tells me he became a monk to “follow a peaceful life” and several times monks and others tell me spontaneously that they are happy now, “our country is freed”, I really hope so. The regime has relaxed media censorship and freed political prisoners but there is a long way for the country to go and the regime is unpredictable. There have been democratic elections a few times in the last twenty years but the regime decided to ignore the outcomes and imprison their opponents. The schizophrenic regime has also in recent years whimsically changed the country's flag, the country's name and relocated the capital to a random isolated village in the jungle - Naypyitaw - at obscene expense on the advice of an astrologer to further shelter the paranoid erratic government from the world. By elections in April will see AnnSan Suu Kyi stand for the first time as a local politician but much expectation weighs upon The Lady who sits in the heart of many Burmese, the daughter of the iconic national hero. She represents well the graceful noble spirit of the people and is comparable with Nelson Mandella with her peaceful approach in the face of great personal suffering for her country and of course having spent many years under house arrest away from her family. I find a copy of her collection of writings – Freedom from Fear – and am impressed by her eloquence and depth of knowledge of her country and people. Any new leader will struggle to bring together the diverse races of the country, with fighting between different ethnic groups continuing – partly a consequence of the glorious British Empire's devastating divide and conquer policies. The more I travel the more ashamed I am when I read about the disgraceful behaviour (“we were treated like bullocks by the British then like dogs by the Japanese” Aung San) and detrimental actions of the British across the world.
Myanmar is one of the poorest countries in Asia despite its natural resources of minerals, wood and crops which the British Empire raped and new imperial powers are eyeing from across the border to the north. There is none of the extreme poverty I witnessed in India, Myanmar being a more egalitarian society without India's caste divisions. The country is massively undeveloped in terms of health and education. The easing of economic sanctions and opening up to the world is welcomed by the people. Visiting the country at this time I was privileged to receive a great welcome and also had an opportunity for the first time in my life to keep up with English football.
Mandalay is surrounded by ancient capitals, golden buddhas, monasteries and temples. We climb the hills of Sagaing and marvel at the hundreds of shimmering golden stupas, the lovely pink nuns who balance layers of cloth on their heads and meet young friendly monks from the Buddhist Academy eager to chat with us. I pass an afternoon in the cultural heartlands discussing philosophy, Theravada Buddhist practice (the ascetic form of Buddhism followed in SE Asia), politics (but monks are not allowed to vote) and life with the monks of Mandalay. It was the monks of Mandalay region who initiated the uprisings in 2008 which were violently suppressed by the regime and the monks are eager to tell me about that difficult time. They are happy to learn that the world is aware of the plight of the Burmese people and delighted to discuss the new film The Lady & Zarganar – the Burmese comedian who was a political prisoner for years and the focus point of my local Amnesty International group's fundraising comedy night for Burma in Hackney, London - he was finally freed last October.
The monkhood in Myanmar seems to provide a fascinating social and moral security system. There are nearly 1 million monks (population around 60 million) and nearly all boys and girls spend a period of novitiate living in a monastery. Amongst this huge monk population are orphans, sick people, elderly and children from large, poor families. The community then provides for nuns and monks through donations. Monks in turn provide moral guidance. Theravada Buddhism is based on the principle that each individual is wholly responsible for his or her own accumulation of merit and sin and subsequent enlightenment. Donations to the monastery therefore bring merit and help the path to nirvana and the end of the tiresome snakes and ladders cycle of life. If one has had a sinful weekend for example this can be counterbalanced with some good karmic actions such as buying then releasing a captive sparrow or baby owl or a fish even from the market – captured and sold for this purpose!
U Bein Bridge - Mandalay |
Myanmar is one of the poorest countries in Asia despite its natural resources of minerals, wood and crops which the British Empire raped and new imperial powers are eyeing from across the border to the north. There is none of the extreme poverty I witnessed in India, Myanmar being a more egalitarian society without India's caste divisions. The country is massively undeveloped in terms of health and education. The easing of economic sanctions and opening up to the world is welcomed by the people. Visiting the country at this time I was privileged to receive a great welcome and also had an opportunity for the first time in my life to keep up with English football.
After keeping abreast of the progress of the England cricket team through my conversations with men in India I now effortlessly keep up with the English Premier League matches through unsolicited information offered by Burmese boys. I even hear stories of Wayne Rooney's dastardly private life dalliances - “he likes fast life” a monk tells me with a sly grin.
Bagan |
Another hilarious and bizarre response to my nationality, common with the rest of Asia, even from young boys (passed down the generations) is “loverly jubbely” - a reference to DelBoy's catchphrase.
Betel Prep |
In the dusty town square of Nyaung U circles of men tap footballs, playing chinlon, from shin to forehead, longyis hitched up athletic milky brown legs teasingly to reveal shaped buttocks. Along the street a group huddles around a cauldron of sizzling hot fat dipping unidentifiable parts of creatures on sticks into the mix, one cultural experience I avoid. Men in khaki green army jackets saunter to street side cafes to sit on miniature stools, sip green tea and gossip. The air is alive with the sound of life. People gnaw chicken carcasses served with accompaniments of black pepper flecked soup, stringy black fishy mush and pickled orange vegetables. Young waiters, 9, 10, 11 years, cheated of their childhood, dash around the cafe, balancing trays of nutty tamarind curries and steaming noodle soups, anxious under the watch of the proprietor who rules royally from his high black leather throne guarding the precious cash, directing his under age employees with his gaze and gruff shouts. The king pauses his command, his cheeks bulging like hamsters with betel, to shoot a mouthful of dripping scarlet betel juice in a graceful arc into the royal silver spittoon.
The Golden Rock, Mount Kyaiktiyo, and join the pilgrims on a crazy truck journey up the mountain. Disappointingly it is a commercialised theme park like site at the top of the mountain which “warmly welcomes tourists”, an excuse for the government to milk some more hard currency from foreigners. The legend of the rock centres around a few strands of the Lord Buddha's hair which were brought to Myanmar and lie under the precariously balanced rock miraculously preventing it from falling. Around the hillside ancient animist spiritual beliefs are as evident as the Buddhist faith with stalls stocked with animal parts, bears' feet, a jaguar's head, elephant tail or for a fiver an inch of the girth of a tiger's penis to provide virility. And we make friends with some lady boys making a film set at the Golden Rock.
There are far fewer tourists in the South Eastern part of the country and we enjoy the last few days in quiet towns chatting with locals, visit some Buddhas in bat caves and then the largest statue of a lying Buddha in the world. At 8000 feet long it is still unfinished but work has already started on a new bigger lying Buddha which will face it. It's slightly tacky and the surrounding
area is full of litter and poor. I can't help thinking there are better ways to spend money in this poor country, on schools perhaps, but the such symbols are extremely important to the Burmese.
A final long distance journey, a bone shaking, painfully slow and uncomfortable train journey back to Yangon on wooden seats bouncing Burmese babies on my knee and eating a selection of food sold on the train.
I would like to return to explore the far flung corners I did not reach this time to enjoy further the golden, green and the betel and also teach English in a monastery. Regardless I will be watching the country more closely and expectantly for the change it needs, and hopefully a harmonious change which retains the gentle character and strong philosophy of its people. Ann San Suu Kyi' writes that Myanmar “still remains a society awaiting for its true potential to be realised.” (something which is emphasised to be by its contrast with its neighbours). Let's hope that she gets chance to help realise this potential soon.
very informative!
ReplyDeletePete B.
What an amazing place. Luvly Jubbly!
ReplyDeleteChris B
Great blog Phil. Beautiful writing and some lovely insights. What an AMAZING time you're having! And great that you're sharing it with us all. Louise x
ReplyDeleteNice job Phil. Some cool pics as well. Especially intrigued by the dragon ladies. Mynamar is the last country in SE Asia I haven;t been to, so I was a little intrigued to read :)
ReplyDeleteFeel free to read a fun entry of mine as well! If you like it, leave me a nice comment too :)
http://www.richtrek.com/2010/09/juice-nazi-of-marrakesh.html--- The Juice Nazi of Marrakesh
This is an amazing piece! reminds me so much of rural West Africa.
ReplyDeleteGreat !!
ReplyDeleteC'est excellent ! Dommage que mon niveau d'anglais ne soit pas excellent, parce que du coup, je ne comprends pas tout non plus... Néanmoins, vos clichés sont magnifiques et votre périple laisse rêveur.
Merci de le partager avec nous !
David (from new caledonia)
Fylipo, you posted this link on my blog RichTrek.com Travel Adventure and since you are a reader of mine, I thought I would check out this post.
ReplyDeleteLoved it, and especially your pictures.
After India, ANY place is clean + quiet! LOL. That said, I could have skipped Mandalay.
Keep telling the story through all your wonderful photos. I like your style!